NeoMail User's Guide Version 1.0.0

[Initial Setup] [Table of Contents] [Using NeoMail]

Customizing Your User Preferences.

  1. Enter your Name as you wish it to appear in your e-mail messages.
  2. Enter your e-mail account name in the "From:" field as it pertains to the domain listed on the right. This will become your e-mail address.
  3. Leave the "Reply-to:" field empty, unless you want your replies sent to an "external" e-mail address.
  4. Change the "Style" if you want.
  5. Change the "Sort" order of your e-mail if you want.
  6. Leave Default headers set to "Simple headers"
  7. Change or delete the "Signature". The Signature is appended to the bottom of each e-mail you send out, but is not required. It's a good place to advertise yourself, e.g. you could put your contact information and/or web address in the Signature box.
  8. Click the "Save" button to save your preferences.
  1. Click on the "Continue" button. Note that you can change these preferences later by clicking on the Preferences Icon icon from any e-mail folder.

[Initial Setup] [Table of Contents] [Using NeoMail]