Project Team:
The main project team is from IBER but scientists from the University of Sofia and University of Plovdiv were also included.
Project leader:
Assoc. Prof. AnnaGaneva, PhD
Project coordinator:
Prof. Svetlana Bancheva, PhD
Key experts:
Assist. Vladimir Vladimirov - "Flora",
Assoc Prof. Toshko Lyubomirov, PhD - "Fauna",
Peter Dimov - GIS,
Assoc Prof. Elena Tasheva, PhD - "Statistics",
Yordanka Vulkova - "Financial expert"
Non-key experts:
28 scientists were included experts in flora, fauna, mycota, administrative and financial management
IBER - BAS (Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
The mission of IBER is developing theoretical and applied aspects of ecology, biodiversity, environmental conservation and sustainable use of biological resources and to ensure scientific information, to give methodic supply to governmental institutions and civil society structures, and to present the country in European Research Area within its competence.
The priority directions are related to studies of structure and functioning of biotic communities;
development scientific basis for conservation of living nature, methods for sustainable management of biological resources, of ecological risk assessment, the quality of environment and impact on it;
elaboration of approaches and methods for biodiversity assessment and bio-monitoring.
More information about IBER structure, staff, scientific and scientific-applied activities could be found on