With financial  support:
       Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014. Programme BG03 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Project aims:
       The project is aiming at assessment and mapping of ecosystem goods and services provided by the Sparsely vegetated land ecosystems situated outside the NATURA'2000 Network. The project implementation is closely connected with the outputs of parallel project BG03.PDP2 Methodological support for ecosystem service assessment and biophysical valuation, as well as with the project BG03.PDP1 Improving the Bulgarian Biodiversity Information System. Using available information of various sources and own field investigations numerous GIS layers will be elaborated with specific values of the ecosystems of Sparsely vegetated lands. During the implementation of the project all results and outputs will be validated/verificated.

Project main activities:
  • Project management - coordination between expert teams and various activities, collaboration with financial team and monitoring team, permanent coordination with Programme Operator.
  • Awareness rasing activities - these activities play important role for governmental/municipal experts, mass media, NGO. Main results will be published on this web-site, two information meetings will be organized with the target groups: one at the beginning of the project implementation and the second - at the end, leaflets and a book will be published containing project results, incl. descriptions and distribution of Sparsely vegetated lands and their ecosystem services, maps and photographs.
  • Specific technical activities - collection and verification of the available data on condition of the Sparsely vegetated land ecosystems outside the Natura 2000; the set of relevant indicators will be applied using the matrix developed during the predefined project BG03.PDP2 Methodological support for ecosystem service assessment and biophysical valuation; several steps of mapping the ecosystems types, states and services will be undertaken in order to obtain several map and GIS layers of the respective ecosystem sub-type. This maps will be of good scientific quality, relevant to the classification, indicators and methodology. The maps will meet the requirement to be georeferenced at a scale of 1:10 000 in а format compatible with the technical requirements.

Project: Mapping and assessment of sparsely vegetated land ecosystem services in Bulgaria (SPA-EcoServices)
Project Mapping and assessment of sparsely vegetated land ecosystem services in Bulgaria (SPA-EcoServices) is funded in the frame of the programme BG03 in Bulgaria via Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014.
20.04.2017 г. /12:00 - 17:15 ч./
Място на провеждане:
гр. София, Централ Хотел Форум, зала 2, бул. "Цар Борис III" 41, Спирка на трамвай №5 "ж.к. Лагера"

12.00 – 14.00 ч.
Регистрация и обяд
14.00 – 14.20 ч.
Откриване на работната среща и представяне на целите и дейностите на проекта – Доц. д-р Анна Ганева - Директор на ИБЕИ-БАН и ръководител на проекта
14.20 – 14.45 ч.
Типове екосистеми с разредена растителност и картиране – Петър Димов, ГИС-експерт на проекта
14.45 – 14.55 ч.
Въпроси и дискусия
14.55 – 15.20 ч.
Анализ на данните и оценка на състоянието и услугите на екосистемите в земи с рядка растителност
Проф.д-р Светлана Банчева - ИБЕИ-БАН, координатор на проекта
Гл. ас. Владимир Владимиров - ключов експерт "Флора"
Доц. Д-р Тошко Любомиров - ИБЕИ-БАН, ключов експерт "Фауна"
15.20 – 15.30 ч.
Въпроси и дискусия
15.30 – 16.00 ч.
Кафе пауза
16.00 – 16.20 ч.
Статистиката в подкрепа на анализа на данните -  Доц. Д-р Елена Ташева, СУ "Кл. Охридски" - статистик в проекта
16.20 – 16.30 ч.
Въпроси и дискусия
16.30 – 16.50 ч.
Статистиката в подкрепа на анализа на данните -  Доц. Д-р Елена Ташева, СУ "Кл. Охридски" - статистик в проекта
16.50 – 17.15 ч.
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